Friday, August 25, 2017


Feeding flocks down at the pond early yesterday and this morning included Black-and-white Warbler, American Redstart, Yellow Warbler, Common Yellowthroats plus the more expected Chickadees, Downy Woodpecker, Song Sparrows, Gray Catbirds, House Wrens, House Finches and Goldfinches. These feeding flocks start to form about now and continue into the winter. The invasion of House Sparrows continues and there were at least three or four Northern Mockingbirds as well. The Osprey continue to inhabit the creek with occasional forays into the bay. I was worried that there might not be enough fish for them all but I do see one carrying a good-sized catch in its talons now and then -- Bluefish I would guess. The young Osprey continue to whistle and call noisily but to what purpose I'm not sure (perhaps this is part of the socialization of the young birds). More bird noise came from a large flock -- at least three dozen honking critters -- of Canada Geese moving from Pine Neck across the bay. It's early for goose migration (and many, perhaps most of our geese don't even migrate anymore) but they are already flocking up and moving around. Heard one loud, unidentified call; it was repeated several but I could never find its source. The local deer 'herd' now includes two males sprouting antlers, one or two females that hang out with their offspring, sometimes with the males nearby, sometimes not. When the dog starts barking or a human appears, the adults tend to stand their ground until the last minute while the young -- still spotted -- go dashing off. Eric Salzman

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