Monday, August 1, 2016

Empty nest!

Empty nest!

I went down early this morning to check out the hummingbird nest and it was empty. But, as Paul Adams had predicted, both of the young hummingbirds were nearby, one perched near the nest and the other in different Red Cedar nearby. Mama reappeared shortly to feed her now separated young. Both of the the fledglings were well feathered and one of them had back feathers that were, in the right light, strongly flecked in gold. Both youngsters spent most of their time preening and both were now flying well. Aside from a bit of wing flapping on the nest, they really had no preparation for this; hummingbird flight apparently comes easily and naturally to fledgling hummers when the time is right. The one that had ventured further away from the nest was definitely the better flyer; she/he kept on fluttering his/her wings as if to make them even stronger and soon started to move from one perch to another -- occasionally at a considerable distance -- in some very striking aerial moves. It was amusing to see mama come back for a feeding and finding that one of her offspring was not where she thought it ought to be. She then seemed to spend a considerable time looking for the wayward child before giving up and giving the more stationary birdlet an extra feeding. I think she eventually found the missing child but I suspect that this prodigal son/daughter was almost capable of self feeding.

Here are three photos taken yesterday by Erin King when the chillun had not yet left home. The first shows them waiting for mom expectantly. Then she arrives and starts feeding with full vigor! For another Paul Adams video -- taken Saturday -- of her coming in and feeding her almost grown-up babies see or Adams' Hummingbird Sanctuary blog. You can see the big nestlings anxiously waiting for their mother and a long feeding session from two positions on the nest.

Eric Salzman

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