Friday, July 4, 2014

between the raindrops

I managed to get in a shortened version of my morning walk in a dry interlude between the rain torrents but there wasn't a lot going on. A single Bank Swallow was darting and swooping over the marsh and the Common Yellowthroat, inexplicably silent yesterday, was singing away merrily. I started up a dappled fawn from the marsh grass; I don't suppose it is more than a few weeks old. Also found a Box Turtle along the edge of the pond; this is only the third turtle I've seen this year but it's presence by the pond is reassuring as I have been concerned that Sandy did significant damage to our turtle population.

A few more flowers in bloom: Day Lily, Common Mullein and Spanish Bayonet or Yucca. Also, in fresh wetlands (but not in our area), Swamp Honeysuckle or White Azalea; saw it yesterday near the EPCAL grasslands. 

Eric Salzman

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