Saturday, October 27, 2012

calm before the storm

The past two days can be best characterized by the phrase 'calm before the storm'. The weather has been partly sunny, warm, dry and relatively windless. Although the various populations of visiting and/or wintering birds have thinned out somewhat, there are still some numbers of various species. There was a singing Marsh Wren yesterday and some Hermit Thrushes (tail wags included) as well. V-formation flocks moving overhead have all been Double-crested Cormorants. A impressive movement of seabirds on the far side of Shinnecock Bay must have extended a good half-mile along the barrier beach; although it did not take the classic V formation, it may have been D-c Cormorants (I can't think what else would be moving in such numbers at this time of year but perhaps some of the waterfowl have started to move). I haven't seen the Sapsuckers in a couple of days but the other four woodpeckers -- Hairy included -- are here (hurricanes create lots of yummy dead wood for woodpeckers).

I heard that mysterious three-note whistled song again this morning. I'm now thinking that it might be an aberrant sparrow song -- perhaps even a Song Sparrow!

Aldrich Boat Yard (our neighbor up the creek) has pulled almost all its boats out of the water and pulled in its floating docks as well. Last year, I believe some of their boats suffered significant damage during Hurricane Irene so they are taking no chances this year.

Eric Salzman

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