Wednesday, October 18, 2017

a sparrow morn

Beautiful, cool, clear October morning marked by an influx of sparrows: White-throated, Swamp, Chipping and -- a new bird for the season -- Field. Several Ruby-crowned Kinglets, a Brown Thrasher and a few Robins, Flickers, and finches were also in the mix. Only two raptors were seen: a low flying Northern Harrier and, later in the day and over Route 25, a high-flying mature Bald Eagle, easily identified -- while driving! -- by the white head. Royal Terns are still frequenting the creek. This species nests south of us and, as far as I know, there is no nesting record for Long Island. However when breeding season is over, a big portion of its population moves north instead of south and, for a number of years now, we have been seeing (and hearing) them starting in July and well on into October and November. I believe that several of the southern terns have begun nesting on Long Island (Forster's, Gull-billed) so maybe we can expect to see Royals joining their smaller relatives. Eric Salzman

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