Friday, October 27, 2017

a creek-full, a tree-full

Weesuck Creek was full of Forster's Terns this morning (I think that the Common Terns have long ago left for wherever it is that they go). I suspect there was a fish run as there were also several Royal Terns and Double-crested Cormorants, all diving -- each in its own way -- for prey. On the land side, the big Red Cedar at the turn of the marsh was also full of birds -- Yellow-rumped Warblers in this case. I could see a few birds moving about inside the tree when, suddenly, several dozen birds -- Yellow-rumps all, I am sure -- came dashing out, flying in a flock to I know not where. A probably Hermit Thrush was spotted by Lorna along with a Blue-headed Vireo and there was at least one Ruby-crowned Kinglet in action. The Blue Jays were still combing the oaks for acorns, a food item that the Red-bellied Woodpeckers also seem to like (not surprising, given that they are related to the Acorn Woodpecker of the west). Eric Salzman

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