Monday, June 26, 2017


Turkeys on the old right-of-way: two or three adults with perhaps 15 or more little ones -- and, indeed they were very little. This was the first appearance of turkeys on the place this summer. We had lots of them last year and were expecting them again -- but not so early. These turkeylets did not look as if they were very long out of the nest but turkeys are 'precocial' -- i.e. born running.

There are three spotted fauns around but I have seen only one doe with them. Apparently deer can have triplets. Also one of them is bigger than the other two which probably indicates one male and two females in the brood.

Warmer weather has brought out more insects including dragonflies (so far unidentified except for the Seaside Dragonlet on the marsh). Few butterflies however except for Cabbage Whites (lots of those).

Many flowers coming into bloom right now: Catalpa (magnificent tree with orchid like flowers), Prickly Pear Cactus (brilliant yellow flowers), milkweeds (Common Milkweed and the orange Butterflyweed), Common Mullein, Day Lily, American Elder and most of the roses (Carolina Rose, Rosa rugosa, Rambler Rose). Alas, not all on this property but many of them seen at the Sofo Natural History Museum and elsewhere).

Eric Salzman

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