Monday, September 26, 2016

another 2016 fall morning

Today's new bird: a Marsh Wren in the reeds near the head of the marsh and very responsive to my pishing sounds, offering extensive clear looks. This bird is regular as a migrant hereabouts but surprisingly uncommon as a breeder. Has a distinctive chip (if I only I could remember it from year to year).

Two large Red-tailed Hawks trailed by a screaming parade of crows and jays and two Merlins streaking across the creek were the raptors of the day.

Fairly big influx of Northern Flickers, many of them spotting the red-flecked Tupelos and eating their black berries (along with a smaller parade of Robins, Catbirds and finches). All the warblers seem to have moved on.

Eric Salzman

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