Friday, June 26, 2015

fledging Osprey and a Goose flotilla

The Osprey nest at the foot of Pine Neck -- almost directly opposite us at the mouth of Weesuck Creek -- has two young birds that are just beginning to fly. I have had the luck to watch them 'helicopter' as they rise up directly over the nest, furiously flapping all the while. This morning both of them made tentative flights off the nest to nearby perches on dead snags left behind by Sandy.

A flotilla of Canada Geese swimming down the creek including three adult pairs each with cygnets in tow -- five in one group and three each in the other two. I don't think I've seen geese from different families arranging themselves in parade formation like this before.

Heard a Flicker do its wick-a-wick-a-wick call this morning several times. That means that all three woodpeckers are active and accounted for (Downy, Red-bellied & N Flicker). No Hairy Woodpecker, even with all the scrumptious Sandy created standing wood that ought to appeal to any upstanding woodpecker. Green Heron is nesting somewhere in the woods around the house but I haven't found the nest yet.

Box Turtles still active -- big ones, both male and female.

Eric Salzman

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