Yesterday afternoon I kept hearing a strange call -- kind of a mournful downward note -- coming from the woods or beyond. Finally I tracked it down. There were two young swans sitting on a Weesuck Creek pullout (as spot where the swans like to haul out) and one of them was calling repeatedly. Was he/she calling for its mum? I don't recall having heard this sound before -- a not-so-mute Mute Swan call that was loud enough to be heard all the way up at the house!
This morning was gloomy and drizzly but, although the weather was not promising, there was activity: notably three Bobolinks passing low overhead and calling ('pink' 'pink' 'pink') and a Marsh Wren in the marsh also calling ('chek''chek' 'chek'). Otherwise all the usuals: Royal Terns, Osprey, Common Yellowthroat, Gray Catbird, Am Crows and Blue Jay.
Eric Salzman
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