Sunday, July 17, 2016

from marsh to mushroom

Not much to report. The Clapper Rail continues to clap from different locales in the marsh but no evidence of breeding yet. I'll keep looking.

The Hummingbird is now often off its nest -- at least during the times when I am looking -- but it is unclear if she is merely taking a break (in the heat) or if there is another explanation. If there are young in the nest, she should be feeding them but I would have to stand still quietly and for a decent period of time to monitor her behavior and, frankly, (to quote a favorite song-writer) it's too darn hot. In any case, I'll keep looking.

Apparently, our Squires Pond Avocet Five did indeed move over to Red Creek Pond Saturday afternoon where they were seen by a few people. No further reports this weekend.

Yucca (a.k.a. Spanish Bayonet) is in bloom (and probably past its peak in most places). Yucca, along with Butterflyweed and Prickly Pear Cactus, used to flourish on our meadow but all these plants of open areas have now been shaded out.

There have been a few mushrooms. One burst of Chanterelles went into a homemade Pizza with Chanterelle Mushrooms (the talented homemaker was granddaughter Juliette!). Other mushrooms in small numbers have included three or four species of russula (with one or two good edibles). a few boletus types (again with one or two edibles) and a few lactarius (Lacterius or Lactifluus volemus) which are excellent eating.

Eric Salzman

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