Thursday, July 2, 2015

moon over Shinnecock

An almost full moon rose last night over the bay as a large and stunning orange disc. Not only was the moonlight amplified by being reflected on the bay but a goodly turnout of dancing fireflies went into performance mode on the meadow in front of the house using the edges of the trees, live and otherwise, that line the meadow as a backdrop with the moon and bay beyond.

This has been notably the best firefly summer in several years. This morning was sunny but then clouded over making the possibility of a repeat performance unlikely as tonight's full moon is likely to be obscured by clouds. Shouldn't affect the fireflies though.

An Eastern Phoebe appeared yesterday and today hunting insects along the front periphery of the woods -- mostly in and around the dead pitch pines left over from Sandy. This bird, although not as dark-headed as most, lacked the yellow wash and stronger buff wing bars that one sees on juvenile birds so it was/is probably an adult.

Eric Salzman

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