Saturday, October 19, 2013

at last a Sapsucker!

It did get colder last night and, as I hoped, the change did bring in some new migrants. The long-awaited Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (everyone's favorite bird name if not actual favorite bird) appeared on one of our many dead pines, completing the local roster of five woodpeckers. A handsome specimen he is too! Another FOS (First of Season) was a Winter Wren hopping around in and among the fallen wood near the head of the marsh. There were Yellow-rumped Warblers, quite a few Eastern Phoebes, Swamp and White-throated Sparrows. Tufted Titmice reappeared after not being seen for a few days (where did they go in the meanwhile?). And, most obviously of all (although I can't call them migrants), the Gray Squirrels are in a frenzy to store up nuts for the winter (there are almost no acorns at all but hickory nuts are abundant).

Eric Salzman

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