Thursday, August 19, 2010

migration underway

There was a noticeable movement of birds last night with warblers and other migrants showing up in what I call the migration trap -- a screen of oak and pine trees fronted by shrubs and facing east across Weesuck Creek. It was quite cool and slightly misty shortly after 6 am as the sun came peeking over Pine Neck. As the sun hit the 'migration trap', it was easy to see bird activity. The influx included the day's best bird, a female-type Canada Warbler, as well as several Common Yellowthroats and Yellow Warblers, Red-eyed Vireo, Ruby-throated Hummingbird (always a winner), a N. Flicker as well as numbers of House Wrens, American Robins and Gray Catbirds. There appeared to be an influx of young Red-winged Blackbirds which seemed to be particularly numerous plus swallows (mostly Barn) on the move and overhead V's of Double-crested Cormorants. A noisy clutch of Blue Jays had almost surely discovered an owl but, even with their guidance, I couldn't find it.

Eric Salzman

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